Sunday, November 1, 2009

Completed "side yard"

A bit sparse but they tell me it will fill in around 6 weeks. Water daily for 2 weeks then once a week after. Looks nicer :-)

Fall is here .. what's happening?

It's time to pull up summer vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, squash, corn. I am trying to work on that this weekend but who knows how much I will get done. In the meantime, there's this sore thumb in our yard -- I will refer to it as the side yard. This area was once part of the chicken run which was removed after we lost a hen in a raccoon attack. (The hens are all safe now in a fully-secured coop that is behind the lemon tree...)

So we have a team of garden personnel who will be here to take care of this issue today -- they tell me if they start now it will be done by 7:30pm TONIGHT.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

It has been a while...

Since my last update. Here's the garden on Sunday, August 30.

And the girls are all grown up -- well, almost. They're about 3 and a half months old now and, generally, will start laying at 4-6 months. Hopefully there will be fresh eggs in September.

Friday, July 3, 2009

I needed soaker hoses....

The garden is so lush that it needs a bit more water than before. I have been spending a lot of time watering (30-45 minutes each day) so I installed soaker hoses to cut my watering time down. Now I just have to go out, turn on the water (low) and walk away for a few hours.

For about $30, I invested in 2 soaker hoses (25' and 75') and some duct tape to set it up in the garden. We had a hose splitter so I was able to direct the water to the 2 soaker hoses from a single hose connector point. (I used saran wrap and duct tape to "seal" the soaker hoses in sections where I did not want it to weep.)

Here are some photos of the garden from today.

3 Broccoli crowns -- a 4th and 5th are forming as well. We'll have too much broccoli at once so we'll be giving it away. Next time, I will stagger by 1 or 2 weeks between each plant!

Purple Podded Pole Beans

Costoluto Genovese (Heirloom) tomato cluster

Tumbling Tom (red cherry) tomatoes

2 types of Bush Green Beans: Blue Lake and Early Contender

Speckly, Buffy and Red - they're about 6 weeks old now.

Noah is proud of our first "big" carrot harvest.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Garden at 7am on Wed, Jun 17

Here is the garden as taken by Yoel's Blackberry. Fruit/vegetable production is up. We've harvested more green beans, snap peas, lots of spinach (although we've yet to eat any of it), a few fingerling carrots and some basil.

The tomatoes are starting to set! I've counted at least 10 baby Costoluto Genoveses (heirlooms), a few Tumbling Tom (red cherry) tomatoes, a single Chico III (a roma/paste tomato) and tons of blossoms on the other tomatoes: Blondkopfchen (yellow cherry), Green Zebra, Chudo Rinka and what I think is a Ponderosa Pink tomato plant. I also put into the ground: Giant Belgium, Black Cherry and Baby Beefsteak tomatoes.

Cayenne Pepper and Serrano Chili plants look like they are ready to flower soon. Early Jalapeno and Orange Habanero are a bit slower, but catching up.

3 Broccoli heads have started to form. They heads are currently the size of a half dollar. The other 2 plants should be close behind, but if not, that's ok! I'd like to have the harvest spaced out a bit. Next time, I'll plant them a week or two apart.

CANTALOUPE: 1 Cantaloupe has put out several flowers. The other 2 look like they are starting to develop flowers.

CUCUMBERS: We have 6 thriving Cucumber plants. I'm not sure how many cucumbers to expect but perhaps this many is too many for our family. We shall see. They've started to flower and are putting out tendrils, so I've set up a short garden barrier around their squares to encourage them to climb. This should help keep the cukes off the ground.

BEANS: The first planting of beans did not produce nearly enough for our hungry, green bean-loving family so I planted another huge crop of beans a few weeks ago all at the same time. 1 square of Blue Lake Bush Beans were planted about 1 month ago. They have taken off and are starting to crowd out the neighboring squares. I also put in (about 2 weeks later after the single square of Blue Lake Bush Beans):

1 square (9 plants) - Queen Anne Sugar Snaps
2 squares (18 plants) - Contender Bush Beans
2 squares (18 plants) - Legend Bush Beans
2 squares (18 plants) - Purple Podded Pole Beans. I've just added stakes around these squarse so that beans can start climbing up.
2 squares (18 plants) - "Edible Friend" Soybeans. Only about half of these came up so I just replanted the spots where the plants had not emerged with more soybeans.

ZUCCHINI: The zucchini plant looks to be developing at least 3 zucchinis at the moment. I'm curious to find out how this plays out. Does the zuke plant just keeping cranking out the zukes until it gets too cold? Or, does it produce for a few months and then die? I don't know but I suppose I could google it...

I was tired of looking at the empty squares so I decided to fill in the rest of them in with eggplant and peppers. I put 2 Black Beauty Eggplants, 3 Sweet Italian Peppers, and 2 "unknown" eggplants into the open squares. The "unknowns" came from a package of Burpee seeds -- I actually do know what kind they are but they're one of any 4 different varieties that came in that package.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

First baby tomatoes spotted!

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sun, May 31: First green bean harvest

This may not look like much but they came from our garden! These are the first of the 9 Blue Lake Bush Beans that were put into the ground on March 28. There are about 2 or 3 times this many beans left on the same plants. I've also followed the advice on the seed package which advises that we should plant a subsequent crop. There are now 8 new squares of green beans growing and another 2 squares of a soybean variety called "Beer Friend."

There were actually enough from this harvest to make a nice dinner for the family. Yoel made a minced beef, basil (also picked fresh from the garden) and green beans dish that we ate over rice. Yummy. Green beans fresh picked from the garden. Wow!